Want to support your library by becoming a volunteer? Click here for the application!

Teen volunteers are instrumental to the Library. Read below to see what opportunities are available. Sign-up for the Teen E-Newsletter (tap here) to learn about volunteer opportunities and to schedule your volunteer hours.
Volunteer opportunities for those in 5th grade and lower, please contact the Children's Department at extension 128.
The Library's Teen Advisory Board (Ab-TAB) offers teens in grades 6-12 the opportunity to make a positive difference in the Library community. To learn more about the work they do and how to get involved, tap here: (Ab-TAB)
Teen Volunteer Events
Teen Volunteer Events occur several times per year at the Library. They range from making cards for local senior citizens, to painting our windows, to making blankets for the SPCA. Registration is required for these events. To see what is coming up, head over to our online calendar.
On-going Volunteer Projects
Teens who can knit or crochet can sign up for two different projects. These projects occur all year long. Tap the links below to learn more and sign up.
At-Home Projects
A few times a year we open up at-home projects where teens can create craft projects at home and return them for service hours. These projects primarily support senior citizen centers - door wreaths, cards, winter decor, and more. In the past few years teens have created over 5,000 projects! To get notified about these projects, sign up for the Teen E-Newsletter (tap here).
Help adult learners learn and improve their English, improve their reading and writing skills for the GED, or study to become a U.S. citizen.
Tutors receive ample training before being assigned to a one-on-one tutoring assignment. Interested?
Email ablit1@yahoo.com.
Join our dedicated group of community members who love the library!
Volunteer at the BookCellar, join for a book or plant sale, or come to a Friends meeting.
Have questions? Email FriendsATPL@gmail.com or see our Friends page.
Be a digital navigator at the Abington Free Library or the Roslyn Library and provide assistance to community members who need help navigating the digital world.
Email abingtonlibrary@mclinc.org to find out more.

Our volunteers are here every week, rain or shine, and work very hard for their Library.
They help us cover new books, do data entry, prepare for library programs, and perform many other tasks.
Your library wouldn't have the quality of service it has without the aid of our volunteers.