Adults Read YA Book Club
Adults ages 18+
Adults, YA isn’t just for teens!
Join YA Librarian Sara Huff for a monthly book club on the first Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Questions? Contact Sara at shuff@mclinc.org or 215-885-5180, ext. 147

Ruth and Robert Abel Memorial
Book and Film Discussion Group
Led by Dr. Karen Weekes. Meet on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the spring and fall to discuss award-winning books and films. This group typically meets six times a year in the Shorday Room, Abington Free Library in the months of March, April, May, September, October, and November. Dr. Karen Weekes is a recently retired Associate Professor of English at Penn State University, Abington College. Please contact us if you have book or film suggestions for when we meet again. Tap here for more.

Virtual Author Speaker Series
ATPL’s Virtual Author Speaker Series is sponsored by the Friends of Abington Township Public Library.
Bestselling authors share their books with you in a live, virtual forum.
Registration is required: libraryc.org/abingtonfreelibrary

Stories of Identity Book Club
Inspired by the "Stories of Exile" reading group, join book club moderator, Jay Tinkleman, for a discussion about stories that focus on the forces that forge our identities and consider who we are both as individuals and as a community at large. Learn more here.

Daytime Book Discussion Group
Daytime Book Discussion Group
Every first Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
Please register here to attend.
Find these books in our online catalog and e-resources Libby and hoopla.