The BookCellar is a volunteer-run bookstore whose proceeds benefit the Friends of the Abington Township Public Library. You’ll find gently-used books for adults, teens, and kids – all for bargain prices – in the BookCellar bookstore, located on the lower level of the Abington Township Public Library.
BookCellar Hours
Monday – Friday: noon - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: noon - 4:00 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
We offer:
Adult books: Fiction and nonfiction, including travel, art, cookbooks, biography, crafts, parenting, history, business, home repair, and more
- Teen and young adult books: Fiction, nonfiction, series books
- Children’s books: Fiction, nonfiction, board and picture books, chapter and series books
- Books on CD
We are grateful for your donations of gently used books. You may donate as many as three bags or boxes of books at a time in the blue carts in the foyer of the Abington Free Library. Donations are accepted Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Acceptance of gifts for inclusion in the collection is determined by the acquisition librarians on the basis of their suitability in accordance with the library’s materials collection development policy. Donated materials, if added to the collection, are subject to the regular retention policy. The library has the right to sell, trade, or dispose of any gifts that do not meet the selection policy criteria. Gifts become the exclusive property of the ATPL and will not be returned to the donor. The library does not appraise gift values, recommend professional appraising, nor provide lists of donated materials.
The Abington Township Public Library and the Friends of the Library very much appreciate your donations, which may be added to the collection or sold through the Friends’ BookCellar bookstore. Because of limited space and resources, however, we are unable to keep all the items we receive.
Please use the following guidelines to help sort through your items prior to donating. There is a limit of 3 grocery bags or 3 boxes.
Please donate only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday; from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Library does not accept:
- CDs (other than Books-on-CD), Individual DVDs, VHS Tapes, Audio Cassettes
- Books in poor physical condition (i.e. damaged, stained, mildewed, marked, etc)
- Books that have been stored in damp environments such as basements & garages
- Books with outdated content
- Textbooks & travel guides (over five years old)
- Older science and healthcare books
- Encyclopedias
- Reader’s Digest series and condensed books
- Coverless paperbacks
- Magazines
- Toys, Games, or Puzzles
Donated materials should be placed on one of the blue carts in the lobby of the Abington Free Library. A tax receipt form is available in the lobby near the carts or in the BookCellar.
Abington Township Public Library (ATPL) gratefully and willingly accepts donations as long as givers place no restrictions on their use or disposal.
Thank you!