Abington Township Public Library
Security Camera Policy
Security Cameras are installed in the Abington Township Public Library to protect the safety and security of library visitors and staff, as well as the building and its contents, while protecting individuals' rights to privacy. Staff and library patron safety is the first priority. The library cameras will also be used to assist law enforcement in prosecuting criminal activity. It is library policy that images from the security cameras will not be disclosed to patrons for any reason unless specifically authorized by the Director.
All images from the library security cameras are for the use of the library. At no time will staff release protected records, including video images, except through a process, subpoena, or court order pursuant to federal, state, or local law. Shared images may be posted in restricted staff areas for the purpose of identifying banned/barred patrons. Images will be viewed on monitors placed in secure areas to ensure private access by authorized library staff only.
Surveillance cameras are positioned to monitor public areas of the library and are not used in rest rooms nor are they positioned to identify a person's reading, viewing, or listening activities in the library. Signs are posted within the library indicating that the facility is monitored by surveillance cameras.
Images will be stored for 30 days. Typically the images will not be reviewed unless an incident comes to the attention of the library Director or library staff. Inthat case, the images will be reviewed and retained for as long as necessary.
September 23, 2013