The Board of Trustees of the Abington Township Public Libraries invites organizations to make use of the Meeting Rooms in the Library. Rooms may be reserved during times that they are not needed by the Library or the Friends of the Library.
Please download and fill out our Meeting Room Use Form and our Meeting Room Policy.
Have a meeting idea or question?
Abington Free Library
1030 Old York Road
Abington, PA 19001
215-885-5180, ext. 115.
Contact Us
Meeting Room Policy:
- No admission charge shall be made by the users of the meeting rooms for any meeting except by special review and approval by the Board of Trustees.
- The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to revoke permission to use the Meeting Rooms.
- Any group holding meetings assumes responsibility for any damage to Library property. Janitorial fees, if any occur, shall be the responsibility of the organization
- Meeting participants are held to the standards of the Patron Policy.
- The Library reserves the right to limit use to those organizations whose activities will in no way interfere with normal Library operations and programs.
- Attendance at meetings is limited by fire code and varies depending on room.
- The fee for nonprofit organizations is $50.00 for the use of the meeting room. The fee for profit-making organizations is $175.00 for the use of the meeting room. Payment may be made by cash, credit card via Square, or check made payable to Abington Township Public Library. Payment is due at least 24 hours before the day of the scheduled meeting. If payment has not been received 24 hours in advance, then the meeting will be considered canceled.
- Rooms may be reserved no less than 2 days and more than 20 weeks from the current date.
- Twenty-four hours’ notice is required for cancellation with the exception of emergency closures. The Library will not remain open for meeting room use in the event of an emergency closure. The Library will refund any payment if closed for an emergency.
- All meetings must end 30 minutes prior to the close of the library and can begin 30 minutes after the library opens. The minimum time for a booking is 1 hour and the maximum is 3 hours. 30 minutes of cleanup time is included in every reservation. The meeting rooms are unavailable on Saturdays and Sundays, special review and approval by the Board of Trustees. There is no charge for the use of the sound system which includes a DVD player, microphone, laptop computer, and a projector. Users who plan to use the sound system may attend training prior to the meeting date if requested in advance. We cannot guarantee staff will be available to train the day of your meeting.
- The use of the kitchen will be allowed (for light refreshments – no alcoholic beverages) with prior permission.
- The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all sponsoring agencies must appear on the application form.
- All promotional materials must contain the statement “This meeting/program is not sponsored by the Abington Township Public Libraries.” Use of the Library’s logo without the Library’s written consent could result in the cancellation of the reservation. Groups may not use the Library’s telephone number as a contact point. Groups may not link to the Abington Township Public Library’s social media accounts.
Please send the meeting room application to:
Helen Staus, Library Office, hstaus@mclinc.org, phone: 215-885-5180, ext. 115