General Selection Guidelines

We select for a diverse population in Abington Township and Rockledge. It is the role of the Abington Township Public Libraries to serve as a source for popular materials, current releases, and introductory research materials. Materials are purchased in a variety of formats – for example: books, periodicals, films, audiobooks, cultural passes, and electronic resources, including digital media.

Professional library staff are selectors for items in all subject areas and formats found in the collection. The Head of Reference purchases for the reference collection.

Below are general guidelines to follow when selecting current fiction and non-fiction.

All librarians should use Booklist and Library Journal as primary selection tools. Starred reviews are to be seriously considered. Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist and online alerts from the book vendor should be reviewed in a timely manner. Each selector seeks resources that provide professional reviews for their assigned areas. New York Times Book Review Best Seller list is reviewed carefully each week. All items on the Best Seller list should be purchased, with very few exceptions. Book reviews in The Philadelphia Inquirer and popular magazines should be seriously considered as well. Librarians take patron requests under consideration and requests for materials published in the current year which are not in the collection are referred to the selector in charge of that area for consideration to purchase. Requests by any staff member should be given due consideration. In general, we do not purchase textbooks.

We work diligently to provide materials that cover all political, religious, and lifestyle points of view. We do not reject the purchase of material because of personal disapproval or philosophical disagreement.

ATPL recognizes that freedom to read and view is essential to a democracy, and it subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association, June 25, 1971, and Freedom to View adopted by the American Film and Video Association, 1989. ATPL also recognizes the Library Bill of Rights, reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council. ATPL respects the confidentiality of all patron records.

rev Feb 2019